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Patch A Sloped Asphalt Driveway

Asphalt wears down over time. A sloped driveway that experiences water runoff from a downspout draining or plummeting temperatures may wind up showing signs of wear, which usually begin with the formation of cracks. Because cracks can grow longer and wider when left untreated, the best way to restore the surface is by patching it as soon as you notice signs of damage.

How Deep Is Each Crack?

Deep, narrow cracks won't supply enough wiggle room for you to pack patch solidly inside of them. A better way to deal with a deep crack is by using sand as a filler and using an asphalt patching compound as the upper part of the patching process.

To determine the depth of each crack, clean the asphalt surface, remove weeds that are growing inside of the cracks, and use a piece of wire or a metal file to determine the depth of the void areas. Insert the tip of the wire or the file into each indentation that runs along the asphalt's surface. If you are dealing with a deep crack, a funnel can be used to pour fine granules of sand into each fissure. Purchase a small bucket of an all-weather asphalt patch.

When And How Should Patch Be Applied?

During the warmest months of the year are the most popular times for applying the patch, since high temperatures and direct sunlight will aid in drying the product quickly. You do not want to be inconvenienced any longer than necessary, so choose to complete the patching job on a day that there is no threat of rain or plummeting temperatures. If the damage is more evident toward the upper end of the sloped driveway, simply move your vehicles to the far end of the driveway so that they won't hinder your ability to complete the repair.

Mark each section where patch will be applied, by using caution tape or a bright-colored flag to identify the areas that are being treated. This will prevent your mail carrier, family members, or other visitors from walking across the fresh patch.

After using sand to fill each crack, tamp down the sand. Use a putty knife or a metal spatula to apply the patch to the top of each cracked area. Level out the patch to the best of your ability. It may be more beneficial to use a couple of thin coats of the patch, instead of thick ones, since using a lot of patch at once could result in an uneven paved surface.