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Tips On Asphalt Paving Maintenance

Asphalt is an excellent paving material because of its aesthetic value and durability. For these reasons, people commonly use asphalt for building driveways and parking lots in their homes and commercial premises. However, constant asphalt exposure to harsh weather elements such as extreme heat and heavy downpour can cause asphalt to wear down. While expert installation can increase the durability of your asphalt pavement, paving still requires maintenance. Here are four tips to help you with the maintenance of your asphalt paving.


You should clean your asphalt frequently to eliminate garbage, decayed leaves, and other unwanted objects. Cleaning will help prevent your asphalt paving from staining or sustaining damage over time. You need to pay special attention to oil stains that interfere with your parking lot's aesthetic appeal. You can engage in DIY cleaning and use degreasing cleaning agents. Alternatively, you can hire professional asphalt cleaners as they have the right cleaning equipment and experience. The removal of these tough stains can prevent your paving from deteriorating.

Repairing Potholes

Potholes form when the asphalt expands and contracts due to exposure to heat and cold, forming cracks. Water seeps through these cracks and settles under the paving. The water slowly weakens the paving above until the paving finally crumbles, forming a hole. The potholes can damage your car's tires, so you need to seal up the potholes immediately. Pothole repair entails the following:

With these steps, your pothole repair will be successful.


Sealcoating entails adding a seal coat to protect your asphalt pavement surface. The protective layer prevents your pavement from damage by water and UV rays. You should do seal coating every three years to give the asphalt a fresh look and increase its shelf life. Without seal coating, your paving remains unprotected and can quickly wear out.

Placing Overlays

Overlaying entails adding a new asphalt layer about 1.5 inches thick on top of the existing pavement. Overlays help prevent water infiltration and oxidation, resulting in a smooth and durable asphalt surface. However, you need to fix any current damage in the old paving before placing the overlay for the best results.

If you want to increase the durability of your asphalt paving, engage in cleaning, pothole repair, seal coating, and overlay placement on your asphalt paving. These tips can help improve your pavement's appearance and durability.